Why Does the Back of My Neck Bulge Out

To Bulging Disc Sufferers Who Want Pain Relief
But Don't Know Where To Find It

Bulging disc is a painful condition that affects around 14% of Americans per year. It happens when too much pressure is exerted on the bones of the neck, causing the soft discs that pad between the vertebrae to bulge and become dislocated.

This is very painful, because it pinches the nerves between the bones – and that's a kind of pain that aspirin and muscle relaxants can't fix!

And the worst part is that most sufferers only realize they have it when the pain comes – and by then, it's already too late to fix the problem quickly.

neck traction

Have You Tried Many Different Treatments Without Results
Even Thinking About Surgery? But Wait...

No doubt about it, sufferers of bulging discs will do anything to get rid of the pain.

You may have tried pain medications, consulted a chiropractor, or even considered surgery. And unfortunately, these treatments they don't guarantee relief. In fact, they may even make the symptoms worse!

Is there an effective way to solve this condition?

Why Neck Traction Is The Most Trusted Treatment
For Neck Pain Caused By Bulging Discs

Contrary to what most people believe, surgery is not really the first option for pain relief from bulging disc. In fact, it's meant to be the last resort!

If you have a bulging disc, neck traction is a much better option. It's effective, safe, and there's no recovery period.

Neck traction works by slowly stretching your neck, either by using manual or mechanical means, to properly align your spine and release pressure on your nerves and discs.

neck traction

Scientific Research Shows
How The Benefits Of Neck Traction Goes Beyond Pain Relief

In a recent study, David A. Browder, a physical therapist at Willford Hall Medical Center, subjected 7 women with cervical compressive myelopathy to thoracic manipulation and alternating neck traction.

9 sessions and 56 days after, his case study showed these amazing results:

  • A decreased pain level, from a pain scale of 6 to 5
  • A positive self-report improvement of 26% using the Functional Rating Index
  • Dizziness was cured in 3 out of 4 test subjects
  • Decreased prolonged headaches in 3 out of 3 test subjects
  • Zero adverse affects after therapy

The drawback of neck traction is that it's a "clinic only" treatment. Neck traction is best done on a traction machine, which is large enough for you to lie down. Not really a good addition to a home!

But fortunately for you, there's a revolutionary new device that lets you bring the benefits of professional neck traction right into the comforts of your own living room. And it's so small you can take with you to the office, on the road, on vacation... anywhere!

Bringing Neck Traction Treatment
Out Of Clinics And Into Homes

The ChiSoft Neck Traction device is an inflatable sleeve-like device that naturally, effectively, and gently stretches your neck muscles and bones, perfectly mimicking the healing method offered by traction machines.

It has a 3-layered cushion design that supports the neck and keeps the head in a comfortable position throughout the treatment. In fact, some users have reported falling into a nice nap while using the device!

The ChiSoft Neck Traction Device Helps Bulging Discs in Three Ways:

1. It gently stretches the bones in the neck apart, allowing the release of built-up pressure on the nerves and allowing the discs to re-position themselves properly

2. It also stretches the muscles in the neck without flexing them, getting rid of muscle spasms and tension that builds up as a side effect of bulging discs

3. It heals damage in the bulging discs with magnetotherapy – a Traditional Chinese healing method that facilitates the removal of toxins, waste material, and scar tissue... and allowing the flow of oxygen, nutrients, and endorphins into the affected area.

The ChiSoft Neck Traction device is the ultimate home treatment for bulging discs. It's also a great treatment for stiff neck caused by long hours of working or playing video games, pinched nerves caused by injury, and general neck pain caused by aging.

>> CLICK HERE To Read More About ChiSoft Neck Traction

Why don't you try ChiSoft out, risk-free?

Click on the Add To Cart button to have your very own ChiSoft Neck Traction device shipped straight to your mailing address, and say goodbye to your bulging disc problems forever!

neck traction

Why Does the Back of My Neck Bulge Out

Source: https://www.beautyhealthsource.com/articles/neckpain/bulging-disc-treatment.shtml

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